Research & Analysis

Keyword Research

Keyword research is a practice we utilize to find and research actual search terms users enter into the search engines when conducting a search. Our search engine optimization professionals research keywords in order to achieve higher rankings in search engines.


  • Key-phrases for potential use within the website and the ongoing strategic digital marketing services
  • Key-phrases for potential use in paid search marketing campaigns (Pay-Per-Click).
  • Spreadsheet containing all relevant keywords discovered
  • Spreadsheet containing all keyword suggestions by web page

Online Competitor Analysis

Online Competitor analysis in marketing and strategic management is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. This analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context to identify opportunities and threats. Profiling coalesces all of the relevant sources of competitor analysis into one framework in the support of efficient and effective strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and adjustment.


  • Perform SWOT analysis for ongoing digital marketing.
  • Search engine optimization analysis of your top online competitors for comparison with your current SEO.
  • Search engine marketing analysis of your top online competitors for comparison with your current SEM.
  • Analysis of the organic, local, and paid search results for each of your top online competitors.
  • Analysis of your competitor’s content distribution channels.

Editorial Content Calendar Setup

A content calendar is a shareable resource that marketing teams use to plan all content marketing activity. The benefit of using the calendar format, rather than just a long list of content to be published, is that you can visualize how your content is distributed throughout the year.


  • Setup of the Editorial Content Calendar
  • Content distribution channel recommendations
  • Content distribution frequency recommendations (how often to distribute social media posts, blog posts, press release, etc.)

Project Management

Helping to plan, organize, and manage resource pools and develop resource estimates. Depending on the sophistication of the solution, it can manage estimation and planning, scheduling, cost control and budget management, resource allocation, collaboration software, communication, decision-making, quality management and documentation or administration systems. Today, numerous PC & browser based project management software solutions exist and they are finding their way into almost every type of business.


  • Setup of your Project Management Suite, which is accessible at any time, by anyone on your team, on any device.

Full Marketing Audit & Analysis

Measurement is what makes marketing a science, rather than a superstition. For many business owners, marketing is a superfluous expense—something to spend money on only when the budget is flexible enough to accommodate it. This is because the return on investment on marketing is, in many cases, unpredictable. Your ad could be a resounding hit, flooding you with thousands of new interested customers, or it could be a seeming dud, wasting your time and money. Solid metrics give you the insight to overcome this hurdle of unpredictability.


  • For your current digital marketing efforts, we will report the following crucial data: Traffic Metrics, Rankings, Social Metrics, Link Metrics, Mentions, and Crawl Diagnostics.

Discovery Engagement Report

This is a report containing all aforementioned deliverables, along with the Business Requirements Document. The report is exhaustive and will be sent to Client with all retention rights. I will utilize this report to make informed decisions about web development and strategic digital marketing service recommendations. This data and metrics investigation allows us to give you a truly customized approach to all of you digital marketing efforts.